SATs Tuition at Bury Tuition Centre

SATs are taken at the end of key stage 1 (age 7) and end of key stage 2 (age 11). Both stages involve tests being undertaken in Maths, Writing, Comprehension and SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). The SATs are important because they will initially determine what sets your children are placed into at High School.

The exclusive resources at Bury Tuition Centre specialise in ensuring your child has all the necessary skills to clear all aspects of these crucial tests. We start with the concepts, which include mental arithmetic, use of calculator and non-calculator skills, comprehension skills, spelling, punctuation and grammar drills. All of this will be built upon and eventually lead to extensive practice in test papers and exam technique, which can then be applied to other, general subject areas.

With Bury Tuition Centre you have peace of mind that all our resources are in-line with National Curriculum requirements.

> KS1 SATs in 2017
> KS2 SATs in 2017

Perfect start for the young and leading to a rewardable career.

Tarek Rouf - Parent