Bury Tuition Centre - Complaints Policy and Procedures

Bury Tuition Centre takes the safety, welfare and happiness of all our clients and staff extremely seriously. Despite all of our efforts as a company, there will be, on occasion, instances where an individual feels it is necessary to make a complaint about a person or service. It is the job of the principle and the centre manager to ensure that each complaint is dealt with by collating all the relevant information relating to the complaint, discussing the matter with the relevant staff and recording all developments and that the matter is dealt with in a fair and impartial manner. As a company, we would encourage clients to voice their opinion on the services we provide and we will ensure that any worries or concerns that they may have will be taken seriously and will be noted for future decisions.

Our complaints procedure places an emphasis on resolving issues at a local level. All staff, parents and other interested parties are entitled to access our complaints procedure, which is also published on our website.

We understand that a variety of people may wish to complain concerning the company's failing to act on a particular matter e.g. the services provided or the conduct of a member of staff. They may register this in the first instance in a number of ways either by phone, letter, or email.

If the complaint is about 'care of children':-
If a complaint is received from a parent about the treatment of their child, the Centre Manager will investigate the complaint in the first instance, ensuring that clients are kept up to date with progress, and are informed of the outcome of any investigation as swiftly as possible.

If the complaint is about access or quality of teaching:-
Our Principle or Centre Manager will follow internal investigation procedures by contacting in the first instance the tutor involved.

If the complaint is about a member of staff:-
And this is not our Principle or Centre Manager, then the aforementioned staff will conduct an internal investigation, commencing with discussions with the staff member in question and any witnesses or third parties who have been involved.

What happens after a complaint is received
a) Within 5 working days of receiving an official complaint, the 'client' will receive a letter confirming the nature of the complaint and an explanation of the complaint process from the Principle or Centre Manager. the client will be asked to sign and return the summary of the complaint so that we may proceed with the matter.

b) Within 12 working days of receiving the official complaint, the client will receive another letter from a senior manager that either suggests ways of resolving the problem or noting Bury Tuition Centre's decision. This letter will explain other options available to the client should they disagree with the action taken.

c) Should the client decide to appeal against the action taken, the Principle will, within 7 working days of the client informing us that they are dissatisfied with the first decision, send a letter to say they have received the complaint and will be looking into the matter further. They may choose to seek the advice of outside agencies such as Ofsted and Social Services.

d) Within a maximum of a further 10 working days, the Principle will inform the complainant either of their decision or to arrange a meeting to discuss the matter further.

e) Clients will always receive a written statement of our findings and the outcome of any investigation that has been carried out within 28 days of the complaint being received.

Should you feel that your complaint has not been adequately dealt with, has not been resolved to your satisfaction, or that you cannot approach the staff at the centre to make your complaint, then it is your right to raise any concerns that you may have with Ofsted. The contact number to call to raise any concerns that you may have is 0300 123 4666

Or alternatively you can submit your complaint in writing to
Applications, Regulatory and Contact (ARC) Team
Picadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD

Date last reviewed: April 2016